Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Mutualist Blog: Free Market Anti-Capitalism: Organized Capital vs. Organized Labor

Mutualist Blog: Free Market Anti-Capitalism: Organized Capital vs. Organized Labor

And quote:
My preference is to get rid of Wagner, and Taft-Hartley, and the right-to-work laws, and the railway and other transport worker labor relations acts, all at once. But as I've said before, if we're simply choosing between forms of statism, I prefer the form of statism that is least onerous to me. If my only choices are between getting a jackboot in my face under the neoliberal version of statism favored by Reagan and Thatcher, and getting smothered with paternalism in the brave new world of social democracy, I'll take the latter any day. Old-style corporate liberalism and new-style neoliberalism represent two wings of organized capital. The corporate liberals are like a kindly farmer who thinks he can get more work out of his livestock in the long run by taking good care of them. The neoliberals, on the other hand, are like a farmer who thinks he'll come out ahead by working his livestock to death and then replacing them. If I'm going to be livestock, I know which farmer I'd prefer to live under.
relevent to recent themes methinks. Young Mr. Carson talks sense once more.

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Blogger Kevin Carson said...

I can't believe I just now stumbled across this. Thanks for the link, Bill.

And thanks for that "young Mr. Carson"!

6:52 AM  

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